Saturday, January 17, 2009

A new anthem?

On the threshold of Inauguration Day 2009 we have a call to renewed patriotism, but really it's the old nationalism that's been pumping its pulse with renewed vigor since its blood transfusion on Sept. 11, 2001, amplified by the then neo-con administation. It's a wonderful sentiment--the video even includes a Jewish cantor and a Muslim mu'azzin, but then they aren't introduced until the video is half over.

So far as I knew, we had already received our marching orders, our new anthem for a new day, and on Election Day we made it official.

However, I can understand that a sizeable portion of our population is still nursing a wound of disappointment, that this song is an attempt to participate in this new day and to gather others under one banner. That may be admirable but it cannot be done disguising religiosity as patriotism. At the very least, it is excluding those of no faith but who still love this country. I can't imagine an atheist or an agnostic singing the words 'born again' in reference to anything.

My family and I are traveling down to Maryland tomorrow, staying with some friends, and attending the inauguration on Tuesday, so look for us on TV! ;-) And hope and pray that all will be safe, with an attitude of camaraderie and care for one another.

P.S. I'm really looking forward to taking down that counter on the sidebar.

1 comment:

Andy said...

While I didn't see you on TV I do want to know how your trip to Washington DC went. Will there be a post soon?